Saturday, April 5, 2008

Is Paid Forum Posting For You?

Look at the questions below and see if forum posting is right for you!

1.) Do you like to earn some cash?
Of course, everyone does! But obviously there is nothing free in this world and you would have to work for it. Also, you have to have a Paypal account so that the companies hiring forum posters can pay you! Most of them (well at least the ones I am part of) are using Paypal. If you don't have a Paypal account yet, sign up now! It's easy!

How much do these companies pay? It ranges from $0.10 to $0.20 minimum. This can go up depending on the number of posts you have done for that company. Sounds little? Well, it will build up. And the more forums you do, the easier it will get and the easier it will be to just say something. You won't have to think for very long.

2.) Do you like to voice your opinions?
If you answered No, chances are you won't like forum posting. Forum posting is about you sharing your opinions and being heard. You can't just say that you agree to what the other forum poster said. You would have to add something relevant to the discussion. Also, companies require a minimum number of words per post. It's around 15-25 words. That's easy to do!

3.) Do you at least know basic English and have reasonably good grammar?
A lot of Paid Forum Posting companies check this first before hiring you. They do this by letting you "trial" post in their own forums or other forums for around 5-15 posts (depending on company) along with your application. They are going to let you post in General Topics area so you won't have to think too much about your post. Just make sure you put in the minimum number of words and have good grammar.

4.) Can you research online about a certain topic that you don't know about and use that to post on the forums assigned to you?
This is not easy. But if you can do it, then you can earn more because you can write on more forums. Be careful not to research too much and in turn take up most of your time. It would be better spent on posting on other forums that you are familiar with so that you can post more and thus earn more within the same period of time.

If you said yes to these questions, then you are ready to be a "forum poster" for Paid Forum Posting Companies!

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